"Winter Holiday Crossing" Watercolor Mastery Workshop

Regular price $89.00 Sale

Watercolor Mastery Workshop "Winter Holiday Crossing"
Designed for artists of all skill levels.

There's no reason to put away your watercolor paints when the snow begins to fall. The winter season is a beautiful time of year to capture the season in all it's glory!

Covered bridges have always held a special place in the hearts of so many people. Join us, as we reminisce about old-fashioned holiday traditions from a bygone era while we learn to paint this silent, snowy scene.

In this month's workshop, David invites you to discover for yourself the joy of painting this enchanting and picturesque subject.

In this Watercolor Mastery Workshop "Winter Holiday Crossing", I'll be sharing with you the techniques that I use to take what seems like a very complicated subject and break it down

Here's just some of what we'll be covering in this upcoming Watercolor Mastery Workshop "Winter Holiday Crossing"...

*How to turn reference photographs into a beautiful watercolor paintings.
*Arranging a compelling composition.
*How to paint convincing snow scenes.
*How to paint snowy trees.
*How to paint moving water.
*How to bring unity and harmony to your painting with a limited palette.
*Incorporating a wide range of values into your paintings and why it's important.
*How to simplify a watercolor painting with suggestion instead of details.
*How to direct focus in a painting.
*How to use "planes" in your landscape paintings to identify value placement and add depth and dimension to your work.
*Artist Q&A session.

And so much more!

This is a full recording of a live virtual 2-day Watercolor Mastery Workshop from the David J Rogers Fine Art Gallery.

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