"Loose Watercolor Florals" Watercolor Mastery Workshop

Regular price $49.00 Sale

One of the most commonly asked questions in my workshops is "how can I loosen up my watercolors?"
Perhaps you have seen and admired other artists who work in a more freed up looser style. Their work seems to flow effortlessly from their brush to the paper. Its almost like their paintings magically paint themselves.
How do they do it?
In this Watercolor Mastery Workshop "Loose Watercolor Florals" I'll be showing you the techniques and more importantly, the mindset you need to free up your painting style.
Painting loosely will help to achieve a couple of different things for you. Not only will it free you up and add energy and spontaneity to your work, but painting loosely is also the avenue to discovering your own personal style of watercolor painting.
this is a workshop for artists of all skill levels.

This is a full recording of a live virtual Watercolor Mastery Workshop from the David J Rogers Fine Art Gallery.

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